negozee Member Meetup
Join us for an exclusive event tailored to real estate industry professionals seeking to maximize their wealth and protect their assets. Gain valuable insights from industry experts in tax and estate planning, designed to elevate your financial strategies and secure your future.
Tax Advisor – Antonio Martinez, EA
Estate Planning Attorney – Rafael Godoy
Real Estate Professional – Jessica Ceja
Insurance Professional – Edder Barcenas-Cortez
Business Succession Plan – ¿Qué sucede con su negocio si fallece?
Estate Planning – ¿Qué sucede con su propiedad despues de que fallece?
Tax Planning – Como reducir sus impuestos en 2025.
Silicon Valley University: 2010 Fortune Dr. San Jose, CA 95131
11:00am to 11:30am Bienvenidos / Networking
11:30pm to 12:30pm Panel de Expertos / Preguntas & Respuestas
12:30pm to 1:30pm Thank You / Networking / Lunch
Public: $68
Premium Members: $0
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