Pablo Pineda posted an update in the group
a year agoLos Ángeles / Anaheim
¿Sabia usted? El tamaño y la frecuencia de los veredictos masivos de los jurados, conocidos como “veredictos nucleares” y generalmente descritos como por valor de 10 millones de dólares o más, están aumentando. California, Florida, Nueva York, Texas, Pensilvania e Illinois albergaron alrededor del 63% de los veredictos nucleares entre 2010 y 2019./ Did you know? The size and frequency of massive jury verdicts—known as “nuclear verdicts” and described generally as being worth $10 million or more—are increasing. California, Florida, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Illinois hosted around 63% of the nuclear verdicts between 2010 and 2019. https://instituteforlegalreform.com/press-release/new-research-from-us-chamber-shows-jury-awards-increasing-size-frequency/
New Research from U.S. Chamber Shows Jury Awards Increasing in Size and Frequency - ILR
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The size and frequency of massive jury verdicts—known as “nuclear verdicts” and described generally as being worth $10 million or more—are increasing, according to a new landmark study released today by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute … Continue reading