Thank you for your interest in partnering with negozee to reach thousands of tax pros and business owners. Our community marketing approach is designed to get you organic warm leads that convert.
Monthly Reach: 5,000+ tax pros
Monthly MQL (Marketing-qualified leads): 250 to 500
Monthly SQL (Sales-qualified Leads): 35 to 50
As a brand partner you will receive monthly marketing digital campaigns to grow your negozee group.
Group members = Qualified leads
2025 Events to grow your group:
Febrero – Virtual Demo & Email Blast
Marzo – Virtual Demo & Email Blast
Abril – Virtual Demo & Email Blast
Mayo 9– Emprende 360
Junio 13 – NYC Summer Seminar
July 24 – California Summer Seminar
September 18 – 20 -negozee national conference (San Diego)
Octubre – Virtual Demo & Email Blast
November 5 & 6 –Emprende Tax (Houston) – exhibit & speak (20 minutes)
Diciembre 12 – FEN NYC
Measuring Success
Our unique community marketing approach ensures your negozee group grows on auto-pilot. Your group members become qualified leads for your sales team to connect with and convert to customers.
Period: Ongoing
Cancellation: Either party can terminate the partnership at any time for any reason. negozee requests a 60 day written notice to wind-down partnership campaigns.